As a kid, I used to draw a lot of dragons after coming back from school! When drawing was about having fun and not improving...
As a kid, I used to draw a lot of dragons after coming back from school! When drawing was about having fun and not improving...
The main thing thats really cool about it is just making my ideas real in the form of paper.
Nostalgia hits harder than a 120 mph+ truck
Spell a swear!
I love the background! It's simple yet effective!
Thanks man
I hate AI, I hate people, I hate people who use AI
AI is indeed bad!
I love the way you use your pencil!
Thanks 👍
Tu non hai idea di quante battaglie competitive mi ha salvato Mega Gengar durante l'era ORAS. I colori sono una goduria per gli occhi comunque!
Guarda capisco perfettamente, Mega Gengar è un SIGNOR pokémon. Onestamente, anche se sono un po' titubante di come sarà, ho una mezza idea di allenarne uno in pokémon ZA se rimetteranno la sua mega evoluzione.
E grazie mille!
When the fury is fast (I've never seen a F&F movie)
Amazing! Why M rating by the way?
Thank you so much! It's not easy to decide on a rating I thought it might be a little bit creepy, so I set the rating to M
The creator of Soul Of Hero! 🇮🇹
Joined on 3/3/22